As a child, I had always dreamt that I was a superhero - the ones they show in the movies - changing the world for good. But today, only the intention remains. The desire to help others out still remains, but behind the hazy curtains of "How do I proceed" confusion and some other constraints.
I had gone shopping today here in Watford (UK) and saw that even the smallest and the most commonplace articles were nicely presented and being sold in the supermarket. And they all didnt cost much. A thought that was running in my mind came back. I had always appreciated the Indian artisan's work and felt proud of the craftsmen. They are a great asset to the country. However, the injustice that happens to them - they don't get paid what they deserve. And not many people seem to remember or give it a thought (Siddharth Kak is one who is doing a lot of good work on this aspect).
I had got bored of the Indian satellite TV because there is nothing more than celebrities, soaps and movie related shows. There are hardly any programmes that highlight our craftsmen and show their artistry to the world. It is in fact foreign TV channels who cover such people and show them on TV. What a shame! Our own country is not doing enough (and it includes me). We should be ashamed of ourselves to be getting so selfish that we are letting our culture get extinct this way.
We should take pride in what we do and show the world how good we are. We are receiving respect from all around the world in many areas. It is time now to gain some respect (and income for the poor) from around the world by making good marketing and selling strategies for these masterpieces that come from our villages.
I am hopeful that someday I will shed my inhibitions and shyness to go out and help all these people whose hardwork is not being recognised.