Wednesday, December 3, 2008

why dont companies that sponsor sports persons help families of martyrs?

A few years back Sachin signed one of the biggest deal with a television channel, a sports company and few other corporations to become their brand ambassador. Considering Sachin's contribution to world cricket in general and Indian cricket in specific, these deals seemed worth every penny. Nobody questions why people offer so much to Lord Venkateshwara in Tirumala and on same lines, in the game of cricket, no one dared to ask why a Sachin or a Tiger Woods get so much money in their kitty. Millions are spent on sportspersons and actors whose next game we are not sure if they will win or next movie will run successfully. Yet, corporations pour in millions of dollars every year.

On the other hand, our martyred soldiers' families receive 5 lakhs in cash for playing with their lives to save lives of fellow countrymen. Corporations that cry loudly about the government not doing anything for them, do not even spend one cent of their money on such brave men who lay their lives to save some high profile CXOs and business leaders. Unfortunately, corporations do not see any ROI on the money that they might have to invest and therefore it would not make business sense to value one's life. India's corporate structure is now so ruthless that it just aims at achieving maximum revenue.

This thought was fuelled by a forward mail that one of my friend's sent after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. It was then that I started thinking what the corporations' priorities were.

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