Monday, February 22, 2010

The Indian Student Pledge

Long time ago, back in school, we used to recite this every single morning. It became a habit, a routine. But this morning, out of nowhere, I recollected it and Girija and I could not remember the full text. Immediately, we looked up on the internet and found this fond pledge, which I never want to forget.

India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders, respect, and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.
Written by the great Swami Vivekananda, I never thought I will be staying in the same city where he made the biggest international speech of his lifetime.

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