Politician's give long speeches about their vision for the country. They talk about how time at hand should be used for addressing the basic issues. However, when it comes to discussions on issues in the parliament, are they using the parliament's time in the right way? Oppositions stage walk outs over petty issues; parliament is adjourned due to uncontrollable arguments; answers don’t arrive for some of the most important of internal issues. It does not matter which party is in the opposition. They all have done it in the past. With the constant bickering about which issues should be given priority, the main theme of addressing the very issues is lost somewhere.
Take for example yesterday's debate in the parliament over caste based census and infiltration. Aren't both issues of priority to the nation? What is more important - deciding their priority or to address each one of them one after the other and use time in a fruitful way? At the end, the parliament was adjourned without a solution. Has it helped anybody?
Our so called 'leaders' take a lot of things personally, than objectively and end up wasting precious time and tax payer’s money. There is a strong need for better governance and understanding of the importance of usage of time. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's "samay ka sadupayog" – is a lesson about good use of time that is taught in almost every school in India . And yet, the basic lesson is forgotten by our visionary leaders. It’s a pity that this is what we elect them for.